Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Train

Today we took the family on the Christmas train that goes to Rogers and back.  It was really cool.  Parker looked out the window the entire time.  This was his first train ride.  I think it will be a new Christmas tradition for us.


Josh and Kate said...

It was good to see you last week in Old Navy. =) I love the picture of Parker looking out the window of the train! Where is the Christmas train? That's something Peyton would love also. We need to get the boys together after all the holiday craziness is gone.

Ryan and Sarah said...

Hey Lindsey,

I have no clue what I have done with your email address. Mine is, if you could please email the information about the invitations. Thanks so much! Cute pictures of Parker!

The Keylors said...

Linds- These are such sweet pictures! I love the nap picture too. What a blessing!
