Monday, September 26, 2005

Labor Day looks like this mother hen's egg is about to hatch. I went to the doctor today (Dr. Partridge, my fav) and I am now 3 1/2 centimeters dialated, my cervix has thinned more, and Parker has dropped more. Dr. Partridge was confused as to why I have not had him yet. So, she asked how I felt about being induced since I am so close. After talking about the pros with her (there weren't really any cons that she mentioned since I am having an epidural), I decided to go for it. I am scheduled to be induced at Willow Creek Women's Hospital on Wednesday morning at 6:30 (September 28th). I am very excited to see his little face. I am also excited to get the space back for my bladder. It feels as though he has been using it as his pillow. I feel very blessed to have Dr. Partridge deliver him; that is an answered prayer. Please pray for us on Wednesday if you think about it. We definitely need God's strength and endurance!


John Nelson said...


Jaime said...

come on out little buddy. we're all ready to meet you.

Shelli said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!